Hathern Coffee Roastery
My aim is to make specialty coffee accessible to everyone. From Pour over Perfectionists to Latte lovers, from coffee aficionados to just plain old coffee drinkers.
I want you to find the coffee that you enjoy, whilst also tantalising your taste buds with something new.
The flavours you taste in our coffees do not come from us, they come from the dedication and hard work of the farmers who grow these fantastic coffees. My job is to simply roast them with care and precision, to bring out the beans' innate flavour profile.
If you want to ditch the mainstream and jump aboard the speciality coffee boat, head to our shop now
Fresh roasted specialty coffee.
Your local artisan coffee roaster.
Working from a Roastery at my home in Hathern, Leicestershire.
As head Roaster (and only roaster) I take care of all things Coffee.
Hathern home roasted coffee was established and built up in 2021 where i took the time to build the micro roastery up and develop my roasting skills. After many long nights, and weekends, and plenty of human Guinea pigs, Hathern home roasted coffee was born.